redneck waterslide availability and reservations
(Except for Holidays)
AM Half Day Rental
10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
(Except for Holidays)
Whole Day Rental
10:00 AM to Dark
(Except for Holidays)
PM Half Day Rental
4:00 PM to Dark
Prices are based on 75 people or less attending the activity.
A fee of $3 a person will be charged for each person above 75.
Fri & Sat
(And Holidays)
AM Half Day Rental
10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Fri & Sat
(And Holidays)
Whole Day Rental
10:00 AM to Dark
Fri & Sat
(And Holidays)
PM Half Day Rental
4:00 PM to Dark
A BBQ rental with the capacity to cook up to 64 burgers with propane is available for $40.

Overnight camping is available for $150 a night. There are limited available times for overnight camping. You must reserve at least the
half day from 4 pm to dark to camp overnight. You can then reserve a half day from 10 am to 3:30 pm or a full day to dark the next day.
If you reserve a half day, stay overnight and then reserve the next half day, you will be charged for a full day instead of two half days,
which is cheaper. There is also the option of leaving by 9:30 am and not having to pay anything for that morning.
Click here to check our
availability or to make
a reservation.
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© 2023 | Little Bear Bottoms | 5100 South US Hwy 89/91 Wellsville, UT | littlebearbottomsfarm@gmail.com